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How To Extract The Hand Histories?

Once you downloaded the hand histories you have a "zip" file which you have to extract twice before you can go ahead and import the hand histories into your database.
1) You extract a first time to get to the point where you have a lot of daily "zip" files.
2) You have to extract all of these daily zip files in a second step.

How To Extract Multiple Files in one go?

You need a proper zip application to extract the hand histories.
We recommend 7-Zip or WinRAR (both are free to use).

7-Zip download page
WinRAR dowload page

Download and install one of the above zip utilities.

Once WinRar or 7-zip is installed you can extract multiple files like this:
- Select all "zip" files
- Right click any one of the selected "zip" files and select "Extract to seperate folder each" or "Extract to */" (depending on if you use WinRar or 7-zip).

After the extraction you can go ahead and import the hand histories into HoldemManager, PokerTracker or Hand2Note just like any other hand history files.